My mother, Francina Horton, is an incredible woman. Actually, she's more than that – she's a superhero. Marvel's avengers do not even compare to her.

From a young age, she was fiercely determined, possessed with a superhuman drive to be a success, to be the best, to lead, and never follow. Her superpower is knowledge. My mommy is truly a lifelong learner. She binges on information like a competitive eater. Ask her what she is doing next week, probably in a class or webinar.

Growing up in the Bahamas, my mother knew that education was the great equalizer. It does not matter where you begin, but if you are willing to study, work hard and seize opportunities your gender, skin color, socio-economic background or nationality won’t matter.  One can only look at the alumni from the “Great Government High School” (she will appreciate that moniker J ) and see those persons from the humblest beginnings rise to national and international acclaim.

She knew to be great you must do great things. And great things she did. My mother was among the first females in the Bahamas to obtain the formidable certification of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). Imagine a black Bahamian female who would dare to go to London in the 1970s, on her own and pursue one of the toughest accounting certifications. Only a superhero could. So, when you ask why I am so fearless to traverse the globe... I GET IT FROM MY MAMMA!

My mother climbed the ranks of the Public Service through hard work and determination. Despite facing adversity, she persevered and attained executive positions. Her 40 plus year tenure is a testament to her work ethic, honesty, and excellence, which have left a legacy. Recently, she was honored with a National Honor’s award, the Order of Merit. Despite all her achievements, she remained humble and never flaunted them. She is respected and loved wherever she goes for her honesty and integrity.

My mother's achievements were not solely attributed to her intelligence and diligence, but also to her resolute adherence to her principles and ethics. She exemplifies true elegance and poise in her demeanor. Her unwavering devotion to her strong Christian faith and moral values have played a significant role in shaping her character today.

My mother is incredibly accomplished. She's a successful entrepreneur, a real estate mogul, and even has a green thumb. However, what I find most admirable is her unwavering commitment to her family, including her siblings, nieces, and nephews, and especially her three children.

My mommy has always put us first. My mommy instilled in us the importance of self-reliance and determination. She taught us to believe in ourselves, work hard, and never give up on our dreams. Her unwavering support and guidance have been a constant source of inspiration for us, helping each of us to become the best versions of ourselves.

There is nothing my mother won’t do for us. There is nothing we have ever wanted as children. My mother ensured that all her children were college educated. I watched my mother in the position of financial controller, bring crackers and cheese to eat for lunch, while she gave us lunch money for school.

My mother is more than just a hero my hero; she is my inspiration, a role model, and the blueprint of my life. My siblings and I know that we can always count on her for support, encouragement, and love. We are blessed to have her as our mother.

As a self-made woman and a trailblazer in her field, my mommy has shattered stereotypes and overcome obstacles that many thought impossible. Her legacy is one of inspiration, empowerment, and hope, and she continues to be a source of strength and guidance for all those who have the privilege of knowing her.

My mother, Francina Horton, is a testament to the strength of perseverance, self-confidence, and unshakable faith in a world that often prioritizes wealth and fame over those qualities. Her story deserves to be shared with the world, and the impact she has made will be felt for generations to come.

If you want to know why I am so intelligent, gifted, and blessed. It’s simple… I get it from my mamma. All the good things in me came from her.  



