In the Bahamas, unlike other Caribbean nations, we do not have a patois or a separate language. What we do have, is what I affectionately refer to as Bahamianese; unique words or phrases that only Bahamians or someone familiar with the culture would understand. Buey, boungy, Juicing (not what you think it is), dem, potcake, switcha to name a few. But one of my favorites that so aptly encapsulated the emotion behind it is "I een on ya run".

The English translation of this phrase would be, I am ignoring you. I am not giving you any attention. But not being on "someone's run" is so much deeper than that. It means you cease to be. You are such a nonissue that I deny your existence. I refuse to give any gray matter or attention to you.

This morning, I received a WhatsApp message from someone. As I read that message my "whole spirit got vex" (some more Bahamianese for you, that means to be angry). I looked at that message, the contents of such brought out all the "Bahamian" in me. My response to this two-paragraph WhatsApp. Miss I een on ya run. Das (Bahaminaese for that's) all. The end. Period. Six little words but heavy with my sentiment.

Sometimes life, situations, and people are so toxic and damaging we have to learn to not be on their run. When someone is trying to take advantage of you, don't be on their run. When people do not respect your boundaries and your wishes, don't be on their run. The emotional toll of some people is not worth the price of admission into your life.

There are times when you cannot even be on "life's run". When going through a difficult situation, you cannot allow the weight of it to crush you. You cannot succumb to the depression, to the stress, to the hopelessness of your current circumstance. You cannot be on its run.

One of the greatest gifts we have in life is time and the knowledge that time is dynamic. That it does not remain static. Situations just like the seasons will change, if you give it time.

If you are at that point in your life when you are in a tough situation, don't be on its run. Acknowledge where you are, but don't dwell there. Devote your energy, your effort, your intention to overcome that situation. Create a plan, craft a strategy, look for resources to help elevate you from where you are to where you would like to go.

Your actions follow your intentions. Your intentions follow your thoughts. Your thoughts create your world. Don't devote gray matter to negativity or toxicity. Think and visualize where you want to be, and then implement the steps to get there. Don't be on anyone or anything's run that will prevent you from living life limitlessly.
